Data collections management

Manage Data Collections

The Data Collections management page contains a list of all existing Data Collections in DB, with the possibility for an Administrator to Create a new Data Collection, Update or Delete an existing one.
The Administrator can also Manage groups that can see each Data Collection (by clicking on manage). This will allow him to define if the Data Collection is public (visible for all), private (visible only by the owner and administrators) or restricted only to a list of groups.
To add a group, click on plus in front of the group’s name in the All Groups panel.
To remove a group, click on minus in front of the group’s name in the Allowed Groups panel.

Requirement coverage

This section covers TS-FUN-380

Publish or update an OWS context document

A OWS context document contains one or more entries describing documents. Full specification for OWS documents is available at

Each document is identified with a unique identifier within the collection in which it is published. The following example describes step by step how to publish a user result in the “EO processing” collection.

  1. Generate the OWS document based on the following template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
    <title type="text">Himalaya / Nepal - Landslide - ALOS.20070211_20100219</title>
    <summary type="text/html"><![CDATA[
                                                                <tr valign="top">
                                                                <tr valign="top">
                                                                        <td>Himalaya - Nepal</td>
                                                                <tr valign="top">
    <identifier xmlns="">ALOS.20070211_20100219.Nepal_S.2cmyr.tif</identifier>
    <box xmlns="">27.328 86.35 28.15 87.1</box>
    <offering xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="" code="">
          <operation code="GetMap" method="GET" href=";version=1.1.1&amp;request=GetMap&amp;layers=ALOS.20070211_20100219.Nepal_S.2cmyr&amp;styles=&amp;bbox=86.35,27.328,87.1,28.15&amp;width=1024&amp;height=1024&amp;srs=EPSG:4326&amp;format=image/png&amp;transparent=TRUE" type="image/png"/>
    <date xmlns="">2007-02-11/2010-02-19</date>

PLease note the important fields:

  • identifier (mandatory) : contains the unique identifier within the collection. If an entry with the same name exists, it will be overriden.
  • title (mandatory) : main label to be displayed in the result table of the geobrowser
  • published and updated (mandatory) : date for the ordering in the collection, documents are disployed in the descending order of publication.
  • box (mandatory) : must contain the area of interest of the entry. (minY minX maxY maxX)
  • date (mandatory) : on date or interval of dates serparated by a ‘/’ (format
  • summary (optional) : short description in text or html to be display in the popup when result is selected
  • offering (optional) : defines the properties of a specific service binding or inline content for an offering. In the current example, the offering is a WMS layer for quicklook visualization on the map. Whenever possible, the geobrowser shall display the offering on the map.
  1. via a curl command or with any other REST client, POST the document to the right collection:
curl '' -H 'Pragma: no-cache' -H 'Content-Type: application/atom+xml' -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' -d @file.atom

The collections to post to are: