Local processor testΒΆ

The example processor can be tested locally - first without docker container as it is able to run in CentOS. There is a README file in the urbanuser’s home directory with all steps to be performed. This may be used as copy-paste template when performing the steps in a terminal.

urbanuser@urbandev:~ $ cat ~/urbantep-dev.readme
VM login

 o user urbanuser, password urbanuser
 o either via desktop (start terminal)
 o or via ssh
 o urbantep software pre-installed in /urbantep/

Example setup

cd ~
rm -r example
cd example
ls -l $(find . -type f)

Local processor test (without Docker)

cd ~/example
mkdir -p wd
rm -r wd/*
cd wd
../fmask-3.2/fmask-and-merge.sh /urbantep/eodata/LC8/v1/2014/07/03/LC81940272014184LGN00.tar.gz

Local processor test (with Docker)

cd ~/example
mkdir -p wd
rm -rf wd/*
cd wd
mkdir fmask-package-info
cp ../Dockerfile fmask-package-info/
echo "threshold=0.5" > parameters
cp /urbantep/eodata/LC8/v1/2014/07/03/LC81940272014184LGN00.tar.gz .
docker build -t urbancentos fmask-package-info
docker run --rm=true -v /urbantep/software/snap-3.0.1:/urbantep/software/snap-3.0.1 -v /urbantep/software/mcr_root-v81:/urbantep/software/mcr_root-v81 -v /home/urbanuser/example/wd:/wd -v /home/urbanuser/example/fmask-3.2:/urbantep-fmask-3.2 -w /wd urbancentos /urbantep-fmask-3.2/fmask-and-merge.sh /wd/LC81940272014184LGN00.tar.gz /wd/parameters

Packaging and upload to processing centre

cd ~/example
/urbantep/software/urbantep-dev/bin/package-bc.sh descriptor.xml
/urbantep/software/urbantep-dev/bin/upload-bc.sh descriptor.xml
/urbantep/software/urbantep-dev/bin/describeProcess-bc.sh descriptor.xml

Cleaning up

cd ~
rm -r example

The follwing figure shows the call of the processor with one of the provided inputs and its execution.


Running the processor with local test data

The result can be inspected using the installed SNAP. Open the result NetCDF product in the working directory, view an RGB, open the fmask band, and split horizontally.


Opening and inspecting the processing result with SNAP

Next, the processor can be tested running it in a Docker container. There are two steps, docker build and docker run.


Building the Docker image


Running the processor in the Docker image


Inspecting the result in the working directory

We get the same NetCDF result as before. The Docker container makes sure that this is reproducible in any of the processing centres that may have different native operating system environments.