Operational procedure for expert registration
Only well-known users are entitled to upload processors to one of the Urban TEP processing centres and to provide datasets to other users on the platform. During pre-operations users of selected organisations are entitled to register as well-known expert users.
Users applying to become expert users are assumed to be registered with ESA EO SSO. They use the corresponding form in “Develop and offer content” of the portal. Submitting the form creates a ticket in the ticket handling system.
- The help desk operator is automatically informed about the new issue. If necessary to obtain missing information the operator communicates with the user.
- If necessary, the operator informs the Service Manager or the Management Board about the request and waits for a decision.
- The help desk operator informs the portal operator and the processing centre operator(s) to configure group (community) and access rights for the new user.
- The portal operator associates the user with the (closed) community. If requested, the portal operator further entitles the user to use the Test My Processors application and to automatically trigger the registration of new processors of that user deployed in one of the processing centres.
- The processing centre operator(s) communicate with the user if necessary (e.g. to agree the rules for using the processing centre) and configures the group and user, and grants access rights to datasets and processor upload interface. Corresponding credentials are exchanged with the user.
- The help desk operator informs the user about the finalisation of the configuration.