Find out how to sign-in using EO-SSO, access your profile information, and even link it to your Github account.
Once registered on ESA EO Single Sign On (EOSSO), you can simply sign-in using the username and password provided by ESA and you will be automatically redirected to the platform homepage. At the first access, you may be asked to check your inbox in order to confirm your address
If you never received the confirmation email, you can ask the system to send it again by clicking on the link send again the confirmation email:
After clicked the link received by email, you’ll be able to see your profile page of the portal:
By clicking on your username, you will access your profile page. The other icons give the following functionalities:
Fill in your profile:
Direct access to your EO-SSO account is provided by clicking on EO-SSO account., TS-FUN-510
If your UMSSO email is different from the one recorded in your profile, a message will appear in your profile (see image below).
To change your EO-SSO password:
If you are not an Early adopter, you will be invited to join an Early adopter program first.
As an Early adopter, to access the Cloud resources, you need to have an account on the Terradue Cloud Platform. From this page, you can check that you have a valid account, or create a new one.
If you don’t have yet an account on the Terradue Cloud Platform
If you want to create an account with a different username or email, you can do it directly at (but a least one of Username or email shall be the same as in EO-SSO).
If you already have an account on the Terradue Cloud Platform, the portal will be able to detect it by itself and display the Opennebula Sunstone logo. If not the case, it means that you have a different username/email than on your EO-SSO profile. In this case, please contact us so we can manually link your accounts.
You can get a private API key associated to your account. Currently this key can be used only to get access to your data packages without being logged in on the portal: e.g:
Link your Github account to your profile will allow you to use Github as Software repository for the developments on your Sandboxes. You can also release and share your code there.
..note:: Link your github account is not mandatory but highly recommanded.
To link your Github account:
If you don’t have a Terradue ssh key pair, you will need to create one from your Terradue Cloud Platform profile (, TS-FUN-510
To find out to which groups you belong, just go to the Groups tab on your profile page. The groups in which you are a member are listed here.
To find out how you are using the platform, just go to the Usage tab on your profile page. You will see what is your level for each type of usage of the platform.
The table Analytics will display more precisely the number of data packages you loaded, the number of jobs you created, how many failed or were successful, ... It describes:
Requirement coverage
This section covers TS-ICD-060
The accounting panel on your profile gives your current credit balance, as well as the list of all transactions associated to your account:
A deposit transaction is stored when the user execute a job process using as balance the quotation returned first by the processing service for the selected parameters (it implies that the wps provider implemented the quotation mode). Deposit transactions can be active or closed. An active deposit is accounted when calculating your account balance (covering the possible debit transactions associated to the same process). A closed deposit is not accounted when calculating your account balance (but does not cover anymore the possible debit transactions associated to the same process). A deposit is automatically set from active to closed when the job process is failed or when the job is succeeded with at least one transaction recorded from the wps provider.
The current policy for a wps job process accounting is that the total amount debited to the user corresponds to the real usage of the wps process and cannot be greather than the estimated deposit.